Welcome to DSVK Realities, a spiritual place where people come together to share their experiences and learn from one another. Here you will find our free tools which you can use to express yourself and engage with our community.  Staff are available for Live Chat and help in the Open Forums should it be needed.

Live Chat

The web based version of our Community on Slack for free: https://dsvkrealities.slack.com/

Event Calendar

The web based version of our Community calendar on Google for free: scyquinsworkshop@gmail.com

Open Forums

Our Community discusses topics in great detail for free on Proboards: https://dsvkrealities.boards.net/

Course Catalog

A detailed list of current courses, retired courses, and courses currently under construction.

Learning Center

Our Community uses TalentLMS to host spiritual courses: https://dsvkrealities.talentlms.com

Honor Roll

A detailed list of our Community's progress and course experience, updated during classes.